Sunday, April 11, 2010

What Are the Neighbors Up To?????

Every-so-often intrigue and mystery slink into a neighborhood.  It's like a train wreck, you don't want to look but you can't help yourself.  It's an ugly, voyeuristic tendency us humans have.   It happened in our neighborhood this week.  And not just the neighborhood in general but our next door neighbors. Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!

The workman and their trucks were quiet, indeed, showing up just before light-of-day.  But there were tell-tale signs workmen were there,  like the sound of trucks being unloaded of their equipment, coughing, cigarette smoke lingering in the air -- all the mostly regular stuff a workman does.  I am delighted to tell you there was no b*** cleavage that I could see! *huge sigh of relieve*

As the morning wore on, the workman brought pieces of the home outside - most I could not recognize as they were in such a state of chaos.  Then there was hammering, lots of hard hammering.  I swear part of what I saw them bring out was their fireplace.  Our fireplaces are a really nice focal feature of the living room and they are set in one corner of the living room. Are they removing their fireplace?  I didn't know you could remove a fireplace!

I wanted so badly to open my sliding door and shout "Hey! What are you doing over there?"  But I couldn't.  It's disrespectful and it's also none of my business.  Seeing as I don't even know these neighbors. They really keep to themselves, really.  We've tried to say hello and they won't even respond....well, sometimes we get a grunt.  So it's really tough finding a way of approaching them and then asking what they are doing inside their home.

The first day was quite dramatic.  About 3:30pm came the sheet rock -- six pieces because I counted them.  Six pieces of sheet rock for a little living room??  Did they remodel?  Was there a terrible fight one night and someone was pushed through the wall?  What?  What!?  My curiosity was getting the best of me.  But to no avail.  I decided to close my sliding glass door and the levelors and just forget it.  What was done, was done.

The next day new looking trucks arrived and I saw more knee pads, and what I believe was a professional painter.  How much was this job costing, after all?  We just had a quote on our meek little 1,300 sq. foot condo and they wanted $3,000 to paint it.  So what in God's Name were they forking out over there?  This sort of thing just drives me nuts until I get some closure.

Yesterday, we were driving up and another neighbor, who is very sweet, was walking by so we stopped her and I said "Say, so-and-so just had a remodel or something done to their you know anything about it?"  She, being just as inquisitive as I, said "NO!  I didn't know....but I'm going to find out.  And I will let you know as soon as I get some information about this.  They never mentioned a thing to me."

I'll keep you posted.

And, don't forget...Pay It Forward.

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