Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Friend -- Nancy Today

I have met this wonderful woman who I must share with you.  Yes, share.  Her name is "Nancy Today."  Well she actually has a real last name but I don't think I need to mention just doesn't matter.

Nancy is such a wonderful lady. I've had the pleasure of visiting with by phone a few times.  She is as sweet and charming on the phone as she is on video.

She lives in Canada and has a YouTube channel which she has been faithful to for a couple of years now.  She has over 6,000 videos in her library and every one of them is a jewel.

You want to find out about potatoes?  She has fascinating tips and recipes.

Making a tuna sandwich? -- wait till you see how Nancy does it.

Pine needle basketry, Check!
Fixing food in mass and then freezing it for a rainy day when she doesn't feel like cooking, Check!

She has an entire series on baking bread.
She weaves baskets sitting on the kitchen floor.
She can make a teepee.  You absolutely must see!

OH and her series on soap making is divine!

What is so incredible about Nancy's videos is that you feel like you are right there in the room with her and she talking right to you -- and only to you.  She most times holds the camera under her chin so she can get the right shot (eye's view) and it's quite effective.  You see life through Nancy's eyes and perspective.  Marvelous.

Nancy is as colorful as the multitude of hats she wears.  You'll never see her without one.  Even when she was in the hospital ICU following a heart attack, Nancy was filming and she had a lovely floppy floral hat on her head.   Filming in the ICU!  Nancy, take a break.

I hope you take to Nancy as quickly and as dearly as I have.  I think you'll find she grows on you quickly and you'll want to visit with her daily.  Such a sweetheart, she is.

I've loaded a video she made on shopping frugally. I dearly love her! She brings joy into our lives and she makes lemonade even when life is dealing her lemons. And I thank her for that!

Until later -- Peace and be sure to Pay it Forward, Jill

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